About us

We are Fokke-Jan Stolk and Piebe Bakker and share a passion for IT.

We met each other early 2020 as volunteers at the foundation Beelease in Amsterdam. This foundation is engaged in the conservation and improvement of bees, among other things by breeding disease-resistant species. For this foundation we have developed IT systems, a.o. measurement systems in the hives to monitor the population and a number of websites.

At a certain point Fokke noticed two friends struggling with the elaboration -transcribing - of interviews during their PhD research. This endless transcribing had to be simplified: Fokke and Piebe came up with a solution to this time-consuming issue.

VoiceToScript was born and is now frequenlty be used by students, journalists and others to automate this boring task.

Speech --> text

Automatically convert speech to text with AI and edit it in Word.

Audio and Video

Upload your (multilingual) recording and get the text by email.

Secure and Reliable.

Accurate up to 98%! Also supports bilingual transcriptions.
In over 50 languages.